Hetherette review

Heatherette fashion is like dropping down a psychedelic rabbit hole, each garment is completely over the top with glitter, different fabrics, vibrant colours and volume.
I first found out about Heatherette fashion when I watch the show Super Sweet 16 on MTV, the main star Tayenna needed a dress for her party and asked makers Richie Rich and Traver Rains to design a fun girly dress for her (right picture) the dress was so wrong it was right! It clung to her waist surrounded by different fruit which was painted pinks and oranges. To create the fullness is layers of orange and pink netting which increases the femininity of this dress. But to make sure this dress wasn’t a perfect barbie ballerina outfit there is only one strap, this adds an edgy factor to the dress. You can tell the designers but every inch of detail in for the person who’s going to wear it, the colours suit her skin colour so well and perfectly fit every curve on her body.
Heatherette are also a big part of the drag fashion industry. New York’s famous transvestite, Amanda Lepore who walked down the runway head to toe in Heatherette showed the fashion world what was about to take over. Then on Heatherette were bombarded with celebrities wanting personally made outfits for themselves.
What I like most about the brand is that each and every garment made show off the exact personality of the designers, I have research Richie and Traver and they both just want to have fun, look good and party. Watching documentaries on them I have seen that they really interact with the customer, founding out their inner beauty and what makes them them, which is how they start to design the garments. As a fashion student researching designers I respect these two men because you can see this is their passion and they don’t just do it for themselves as their goals are to create the perfect outfit spot on for their customers.